Pardon The Dust
Welcome To The Website
This is something I have been kicking around in my head for a while - I have wanted display my photography on a website. I want to be able to show my images, maybe some fun facts, as well as have a blog where I write about photography. Well, here it is!
Where Are The Photos?
Currently I am planning on which photos to add and which collections to grow. I will be taking a lot more photographs shortly, so I will be updating soon.
Collection Ideas
I have a few main focuses for my photography collections.
Human Interaction With Nature and Time
I love looking at things like abandoned buildings and urban decay. I enjoy looking at nature overtaking what once was. This is the sort of thing I think I will be putting in here.
I am fascinated with insects, aracnids, etc. I love macro photography. With those two things it seems like a no-brainer that I should take a lot of close-up images of bugs!
Here are a couple of photos of my bugs:
Yes! I will be writing here in-depth about photography and what I am doing. Stay tuned!
Published on: 2022-07-11